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❓ How would I structure a React app?

-8 minutes of reading.
|_ 📁components
|  |_ 📁Cards
|  |  |_ 📄MainCards.tsx
|  |_ 📁Buttons
   |  |_ 📄RedButton.tsx
|_ 📁api
|  |_ 📄Auth.ts
|  |_ 📄Event.ts
|_ 📁Pages
|  |_ 📁HomePage
|  |  |_ 📄HomePage.tsx
|  |_ 📁LoginPage
|     |_ 📄LoginPage.tsx
|_ 📁contexts
|  |_ 📄AuthContext.ts
|  |_ 📄EventContext.ts
|_ 📁hooks
|  |_ 📄useAuth.ts
|  |_ 📄useEvent.ts
|_ 📁utils
|  |_ 📄HelperFunctions.ts
|  |_ 📄Date.ts
|_ 📁assets
|  |_ 📁images
|  |  |_ 📄logo.svg
|  |  |_ 📄background.jpg
|  |_ 📁styles
|     |_ 📄global.css
|     |_ 📄theme.ts
|_ 📄App.tsx
|_ 📄index.ts

src This is the main folder where your React app lives.

components Think of this like a box of LEGO pieces. It holds small, reusable parts of your app, like building blocks. Inside, you have separate folders for different types of blocks: Cards: These are special blocks that you can use to create things like information cards. Buttons: Here, you keep different types of buttons you can use in your app.

api This is like a special toolbox where you keep tools for talking to the internet. Auth.ts: It probably has stuff for logging in and keeping your app secure. Event.ts: This could handle things like scheduling events or activities in your app.

Pages Imagine this as a storybook with different pages of your app. HomePage: This page contains all the stuff for your app's main screen. LoginPage: This is where users can log in to your app.

contexts Think of these like invisible helpers that carry messages between different parts of your app. AuthContext.ts: It helps parts of your app know if someone is logged in or not. EventContext.ts: This one helps your app share information about events.

hooks These are like shortcuts or tricks to make parts of your app work better. useAuth.ts: It helps with all the stuff related to logging in and out. useEvent.ts: This one makes working with events easier.

utils This is your toolbox of handy tools for your app. HelperFunctions.ts: Contains tools for doing all sorts of jobs in your app. Date.ts: It might help you handle dates and times in your app.

assets This is where you keep pictures, designs, and styles for your app. images: Stores the pictures your app uses, like a logo or background. styles: Holds the rules for how your app should look.

App.tsx Imagine this as the main stage where your app comes to life. It decides what to show and how everything should work.

index.ts This is like the stage manager. It tells your app to get ready and appear on the screen for everyone to see.